7 Winning Tips On How To Mow Your Lawn Properly

Love it or hate it, mowing the lawn is one of the essential jobs in the garden in spring and summer.

Mowing is the key to a healthy lawn, jealous neighbour and jaw dropping captivated visitors. Each cut encourages the grass to grow more thickly, creating a luxuriant look and enhancing owners pride. It also blocks out weeds and makes the grass more hard-wearing. Cutting the grass can take up a lot of time, effort and sweat in the growing season, so it’s worth making sure that you’re doing it properly.

Mowing frequency, cutting heights and lawn mower sharpness including watering, fertilizing are all important factors in keeping your lawn looking good.

Looking for the right know how to help you get your lawn into shape? Than you are in the right spot to increase brain muscle before the season hits you!

Here are great 7 tips for mowing your lawn effectively:

TIP # 1

Get your mower serviced regularly

Get your mower serviced at the start of every growing season to ensure a clean, quality cut. Chipped or blunt blades will bruise the grass and can cause straw-coloured dieback at the tips.  Every mower will thank you for a good up keep, oh yes, you'll see it next time you move the lawn! Clean out your mower regularly to remove debris, unwanted grass remains, avoid a build-up of clippings. Oil bearings and mowing parts where needed.

TIP # 2

Aim to reduce the lawn height by one third

It’s a good idea to aim to reduce the lawn height by only one third each time you mow – any more would decrease the health and vigour of the grass.

TIP # 3

Best time of day to mow your lawn

Mid-morning should be the best time to mow. If you start too early, the grass could be still damp, making your lawn mower work harder and cause clumps of wet grass to accumulate on the mower. Wait until that dew has dried and then hit the pedal. Late afternoon, after 5 p.m., is also a good time. Avoid mid-day, it’s just too hot. Avoid the evening, too, because lawn mowing is a stressful event for your lawn, and you want to give it time to recover.

TIP # 4

Cut long grass twice

If you came back from a vacation and the neighbor kid neglected to mow your yard, don’t try and mow it down in one day. Cut off half of the length and then wait a few days and mow again. This will cause less stress on the grass. You may need three passes depending on how long the grass grew.

TIP # 5

Change the pattern

Mow in a different direction every time: front to back, back to front, diagonal, etc. Repeatedly lawn mowing the exact same way will cause the grass blades to grow at an angle, and you may develop permanent tracks from the mower wheels.

TIP # 6

Adjust your mowing frequency to the season

Grass goes dormant and grows very little during hot, dry weather. During Spring and Fall, lawn mowing intervals should increase. Your lawn will be healthier if you don’t mow it frequently during periods of drought.

TIP # 7

Go short at the end of the season

Just once a year you can go a little bit extraordinary. Depending on the type of lawn that you have, set the cutting deck to approximately 2. Grass won't be blown over by winter winds and block sunlight and air reaching the roots.

Should you move your lawn yourself or should you hire professional contractor to do the job for you, this is the question!?
This is how successful companies operate, we can learn a thing or two:

If mowing lawn moves you away from your core business, you loose valuable time on mowing where you could make money easily otherwise, mowing lawn deprives you of other joys of life, than it is time you to find a local professional who will do the unwanted jobs for you.

But if mowing lawn is something you actually enjoy doing, than by all means, hit the pedal and have fun.



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